Corriedale Wool Carded Batt - Ecru-7 oz


SKU:  MM-CCB Weight=198 Grams

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Corriedale Wool Carded Batt Ecru

Natural White! Super soft and bulky Corriedale batt.

Here is a selection of Carded Corriedale Batts. This breed from New Zealand is perfect for Needle Felting 3D sculptures, slippers, bags and hats. at 29/30 Microns it will give a robust felt.
Also can be used for wet felting and spinning.

200g Batt
Fiber: Corriedale
Microns: 29-30mic
Fiber Length: 80-120mm
Batt Size: 40cm x 150cm
Batt Thickness: 2-4cm

(all measurements are approximate)
Batts may contain vegetable matter.

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